My Party Places

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I love this recipe - I dreamed it up several years ago and serve it with turkey or chicken:
It is whole cranberries with mandarin oranges, pecans, cinnamon & anything else you like - a splash of vanilla, orange liquor or a tsp of sugar.  I make it the day before so the flavors come together.  I so enjoy this cut glass bowl - I have several of them that I found at antique shops.
So, did you go crazy on cyber Monday?  Since shopping online is accessible every day I don't feel rushed - the last of the grand children's requests are on the way so I am officially done.  I am now looking forward to the spring collections - which I hope do not include the color coral!

I recently read about someone that has over 300 lip glosses - and does not share them / this is her own personal stash!  Might they not go 'off' after a while?  I love a good collection but, wow!
                                                           Happy Tuesday!


  1. not a fan of coral either!

    1. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving & not too much bad weather.
      We will probably get ice on Sunday so I will stay put!
