My Party Places

Monday, November 4, 2013

I tried a sample of Living Proof Full Thickening Cream.  Since I have fine hair I need volume without crunchiness - and this certainly is not.  It smells very nice & my hair absorbed it quickly.  But apparently my hair is mean & this conditioner lost the fight.  I looked great as I left the house but by lunch time, I needed major lift - us Southern girls love our big hair! Finding volume will be a continued search.

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 I want to show you my current love in perfume: Viktor & Rolf "Flowerbomb".
I have the perfume, hair mist & roller ball with lip gloss.  It is a beautiful floral scent & the designers say the women that choose the perfume are: glamorous, intelligent & provocative - yes, we are !!
 The lip gloss is not goopy & was somewhat moisturizing.  Be assured the hair mist is just that - it is not hairspray (maybe if I used enough!)
Before this, I adored Coco by Chanel for over 10yrs - when I love something, I am loyal & a good customer - it pays not to aggravate me.  So...........
There is a number in each box of Flowerbomb that includes you in the company's secret service  - except it is not working (for me) in the USA !!!  Excuse me but if you are going to take my money, I should be entitled to all the benefits any other customer would receive.  From what I understand, my money spends very well & baby boomers are the fastest growing segment of society = $$$$$$$$$$
Let me put it this way:  Perfumes are just like men and buses.........another one will always come along.

Happy Monday!


  1. Thanks for the reviews! My fine hair always needs a boost too : > Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

  2. I've always wondered about the living proof collection... maybe its not so great... happy to be a new follower!

    1. So delighted to have you here! I will come over & visit so we can follow!

  3. So lovely, Flowerbomb ... but it doesn't like me, sadly. I love looking for new fragrances.
    What a great idea... a hair spritz! Thank you for the review!
