My Party Places

Saturday, August 24, 2013

I love finding bargains especially ones that allow me to experiment with new-to-me products.  If you are in the US, you will recognize store names like TJ Maxx & Marshalls.  Here are some recent finds (as I type to Bon Jovi!).

The powders are nice & will make you think of a grandmother or favorite aunt. The scents include lavender, rose & lily of the valley.  But for our younger readers, these will be nice to scent your linens and closets.
I really like the elf brushes=smudging & blending - and the argan oil is for fine hair which my hair dresser tells me I have = lots of fine hair. But I so love the smell & the shine & this is the first time I had found it for fine hair. I have tried the Aveeno hair conditioner before and it was a great product, so when I found it discounted I bought 6 bottles!  OK, the candy is for the grandchildren - no, really !!!!!!!!!!
We are having beautiful weather today & I hope you are too.  Much love to you all!

Monday, August 12, 2013

I don't say "WOW" often but it certainly applies to the new Physicians Formula BB Powder.
I thought the powder looked somewhat dark in the package, though I chose the Light/Medium shade.  But it went on softly and did not darken.  I was very happy with the coverage, as I have issues with broken blood vessels and I did not think this would provide enough coverage -so even though it was a hot southern day it held up well and did not feel heavy.
I liked this so well that I am going to buy extras because sure enough, it works & I like it so surely it will disappear!!  I got this at my drugstore & with their discount I paid under $10.  I am a happy camper!

                                                                                                                                                                      Allow me to introduce the loves of my life:                                                                         

When grandson was born, I was told that was it - so like a good 'mimi', I became fully vested  in this child; we truly adore each other.  But several years later, lo & behold, along comes grand daughter (I know- but this is the way I spell it!).  What a treat - someone else that loves pink!  They are as different as 2 people can be so it has been fascinating to watch them develop. I know what true joy is.
Til next time....

Monday, August 5, 2013

Since I was the birthday girl this week, I used it as an excuse to go & see my dear friend, Ulta! This is just a portion of my treats - I love going there so I am going again in a few days!
I have always loved pink & am currently assessing my quantities - just in case I need an excuse to purchase more!  The fabric in the background is my summer robe.
This weekend grandson & I will celebrate our birthdays together so that means this week I will be baking a Jurassic Park birthday cake that he will decorate when he arrives. I use sparklers in the volcano & he thinks that is so cool - we are crazy about each other & he's getting all my money!

Off to start laundry - have a good Monday and take care of yourself.